Today’s vegetable offer: Today we offer the following fresh vegetables:
  • Carrot,
  • Radish,
  • Tomatoes,
  • Cucumbers,
  • Beetroot,
  • Cauliflower,
  • Onion

In our offer you can find full assortment of poultry, i.e. chicken, turkey, duck and goose as well as fruit and vegetables.

The poultry in Polskie Eko Zagrody can be purchased in whole as well as in parts.

The vegetable offer in turn changes in relation to season (e.g. early vegetables appear in the spring-summer period).

If you have any questions concerning our offer, proceed to contact form or call the number +48 507 722 311

Eco Chicken

Eco Chicken Whole
Eco Chicken Fillet
Eco Chicken Quarters
Eco Chicken Wings
Eco Chicken Soup Portions
Eco Chicken Offal

Eco Turkey

Eco Turkey Whole
Eco Turkey Fillet
Eco Turkey Sirloin
Eco Turkey Wing
Eco Turkey Leg
Eco Turkey Boned Thigh
Eco Turkey Soup Portion

Eco Duck

Eco Duck Whole
Eco Duck Fillet
Eco Duck Leg
Eco Duck Wings
Eco Duck Soup Portion

Eco Goose

Eco Goose Whole
Eco Goose Fillet
Eco Goose Leg
Eco Goose Wings
Eco Goose Soup Portion

Organic Poultry Products

Eco Poultry ‘Meduza’ Jelly
Smoked Eco Turkey Fillet
‘Kentucky’ Poultry Kabanosy (Thin Dry Smoked Poultry Sausages)
Poultry Baton Eco Sausage
Eco White Poultry Sausage
Eco Poultry Sausage ‘From The Oven’
Mazovian Eco Turkey Sausage
Eco Farm Sausage
Eco Poultry Pie
Eco Poultry Roast


Polskie Eko Zagrody
Processing and distribution
of organic products

Tel. +48 24 362 76 84
Fax: +48 24 362 76 82

hours: 8.00 am – 4.00 pm

How to order

jakzamowic eng

We have the EU certificate


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